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These are 10 PA consultant paediatric neurologist appointments. The post holders will work together with 5 other consultant paediatric neurologists to deliver paediatric neurology care.
The post holders will be expected to provide neurology specialist service based on their previous experience and skills. We are open to colleagues with a specialist interest they are interested in developing; these roles are particularly suited to new consultants looking for a supported post to develop in their role.
This post attracts 10 programmed activities per week. There may be the opportunity to discuss and review this with the clinical director.
There is currently no overnight oncall in this roll but we are running a hot week model with some limited remote cover on weekends.
The supporting professional activities (SPAs) allocation within the provisional job plan is an illustrative guide only and will be finalised following individual agreement with successful candidate.
The job plan for the first three months will be based on a provisional/indicative timetable. A formal job plan will be agreed between the appointee and the Clinical Director within three months of the commencement date of the appointee.