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The work of the department is currently based at University Hospital of Wales (UHW) with elective surgery performed through the Protected Elective Surgical Unit (PESU) with in-patient beds located on wards A5, A2 and the Short Stay Surgical Unit (SSSU). There are two dedicated urology operating theatres in the Short Stay Surgery Unit with operating sessions running every week-day. There is a Da Vinci Xi Robot situated within the Short Stay Surgical Unit. The urology operating theatre has its own dedicated laparoscopic stack system with both single and triple chip cameras and digital recording facilities. There is live link technology in place at the Welsh Institute of Minimal Access Therapy (WIMAT) within the UHW campus. The urology theatre also has its own 100W Holmium laser.
Emergency urology patients are seen through a designated surgical Same Day Emergency Care (sSDEC) unit with inpatient beds on B6 ward.
Urology outpatient services are based in a dedicated Urology Diagnostic and Treatment Centre (UDTC; Suite 18), which houses facilities for outpatient clinics, flexible cystoscopy lists, ultrasound guided prostate biopsies, shock wave lithotripsy and urodynamics.
Day case surgery lists are undertaken in our University Hospital Llandough site.
Please refer to the Clinical Fellow/ Clinical Research Fellow Job Description and Personal Specification for further information.
Please refer to the Clinical Fellow/ Clinical Research Fellow Job Description and Personal Specification for further information.