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Applications are invited for a Clinical Fellow in Anaesthesia at the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, a large university teaching hospital and tertiary referral centre with a stimulating and challenging case-mix.
The appointment will be for 12 months but may be extended for further 6 months. The post can be tailored to educational needs and will allow the candidate to develop clinical and non-technical skills in anaesthesia with emphasis on high-risk patients undergoing complex surgery and perioperative medicine including risk stratification, pre-optimisation and management of co-morbidity.
Duties are for perioperative care to support both elective and emergency care across the newly formed trust. The post is partially to replace recently vacated post plus to increase capacity for a covid backlog.
the duties will be a combination of solo lists with designated local indirect supervision, and combined list with a consultant. in addition oncall with either direct senior trainee support or direct or indirect consultant support which can be discussed in more detail at interview or pre interview contact
Example Job plan