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Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has an exciting opportunity for a Core Trainee Doctor in Spinal Cord Injuries Rehabilitation Medicine to join their team in the worldwide renown National Spinal Injuries Centre (NSIC) the birthplace of the Paralympics. All candidates MUST hold a FUL GMC registration with a Licence to Practice in the UK. Based at the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, this post offers wide experience in the management of acute spinal cord injuries and comprehensive rehabilitation in an internationally renowned Centre. The Centre runs a fully structured induction programme on commencement, which has been recommended by the Royal College of Physicians to be adopted nationally by other hospitals and trusts. About the NSIC
The NSIC is the largest spinal cord injuries unit in the UK, and is regarded as a leader in the field of Spinal cord injuries (SCI) both in the UK and world-wide.
The NSIC provides a comprehensive range of rehabilitation program for patients ranging from the most acute spinal injury to Cauda Equina.
As a national centre of excellence, the NSIC treats patients from across the country, many of whom have been referred by other hospital consultants for rehabilitation.
Patients benefit from a team of highly specialised consultants, many of whom are nationally and internationally recognised for their expertise and experience.
Doctors will be expected to provide spinal medical care at the level of Core Trainee, including the assessment of patients’ day- to-day medical needs both chronic and acute, and work with the multi-disciplinary team to provide input on the medical aspects of spinal cord injury care.
Outside core working hours doctors will cover the acute adult wards (including post-surgery patients) and the children’s rehabilitation ward with paediatric input. All work is based in the Centre on the Stoke Mandeville site. Day-time commitments may include ward rounds, out-patient reviews and multi-disciplinary team rounds.
Routine Ward Work:
Examination and initial treatment of patients. Admissions to the National Spinal Injuries Centre are patients with either acute or chronic injuries, or diseases of the spinal cord (traumatic and non- traumatic). The activities will involve ward rounds with Consultant, general patient care, updating of case notes and correspondence with GPs and occasionally other bodies. It occasionally involves examination of outpatients under supervision. Regular attendance in audits and educational meetings (both within NSIC and the wider NHS Trust).
Other Clinical Work:
Assisting in the check-up and treatment of outpatients, observing and assessing patients’ rehabilitation process in the Occupational and Physiotherapy Department.
Participation at MDT and goal-planning meetings.
Clinical Administration:
Writing up patients’ admission, treatment and progress notes, obtaining consent forms for operations, writing discharge summaries and ‘To Take Out’ (TTOs) medicines in good time for safe discharge of patients.
Teaching: Please see Job Description
There are opportunities for conducting research after discussion with the relevant supervising consultant and spinal tutor – it is strongly encouraged. Support will be provided to prepare publications, and attendance at conferences (e.g. International Spinal Cord Society) is also supported.
The attendance at the monthly medical audit meetings is compulsory, as is the monthly audit, which takes place in the Centre. SHOs are required to carry out an audit project and present the results during their assignment.
Communication Organisation:
You are required to play an active role as a member of a multidisciplinary team, updating all members of the team regularly on your patients’ condition.
Mandatory/ Statutory training:
You are required to complete your trust mandatory training and to keep it up to date All Applicants MUST hold a full GMC Registration with a Licence to Practice in the UK