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We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic and innovative Stroke Physician to join our dynamic team, working on our Primary and regional Stroke Centre at Northampton General Hospital in Northampton. You will be joining a highly motivated and highly performing Stroke Team at Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust, Affiliated to University of Leicester and will be one of five Stroke Physicians working on the Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust site. You will be expected to support Stroke Services and participate on the thrombolysis on-call rota at Northampton General Hospital.
Interview date TBC
This is an opportunity to join an ambitious and forward looking stroke service as a Consultant Stroke Physician based at Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust. The post is full time (10+2 PAs) with opportunities for part time work for applicants who may prefer this option. This post will complement and augment the Stroke Service currently provided by the five existing Consultant Stroke Physicians at NGH and 2 stroke physicians at KGH including 24/7 thrombolysis and thrombectomy delivery fully supported by stroke specialist nurses.
Northampton General Hospital is the Primary Stroke Centre for Northamptonshire and has a cohesive team of experienced staff from all disciplines.
See attached JD for further information.