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The post holder will be responsible for overseeing the Medical rota within the Corneo Plastic Surgery department. The post holder will be in constant liaison with both junior and senior medical staff, educational supervisors and clinical teams, and will be responsible for the safe cover of the rotas. The post holder will also have line management responsibilities and will have excellent communication skills and the ability to negotiate and build relationships with the clinical and managerial teams across the hospital.
Responsible for planning and implementing rotas for Junior Doctors, Registrars and Consultants, identifying gaps in the service and finding appropriate replacements. This requires significant problem solving to manage doctors' rotas to meet the needs of the service and provide safe patient care.
Requirement to work without close supervision of a Manager and able to take and implement actions to ensure safe clinical cover across the rota.
Monitoring the whereabouts of Doctors who may be required urgently due to service needs.
In conjunction with the Service Manager and Clinical Lead, forward planning for the Corneo Plastic surgery directorate to ensure posts have been filled for the year, coordinating adverts, job descriptions and interview panels with Medical staffing when required.
Identify in advance Locum requirements, checking CV’s and identifying/locating appropriate consultant to review and approve. Follow up to confirm booking.
Ensuring that all locum and agency posts are uploaded onto the relevant IT system, chasing where required for the shifts to be authorised by a senior manager.
Articulating risks to safe delivery of service, in adequate time and in line with the Trust policies.
Maintain confidential record of all Doctors in the business unit including contact numbers and mobile numbers.
Be responsible for ensuring that the Doctors work contracted hours according to Working Time Directive.
Responsible for planning and implementing rotas for Junior Doctors, Registrars and Consultants, identifying gaps in the service and finding appropriate replacements. This requires significant problem solving to juggle doctors rotas to meet the needs of the service and provide safe patient care.
Requirement to work without close supervision of a Manager and able to take and implement actions to ensure safe clinical cover across the rota.
Monitoring the whereabouts of Doctors who may be required urgently due to service needs.
In conjunction with Medical Staffing, forward planning for the Plastic surgery business unit to ensure posts have been filled for the year, coordinating adverts, job descriptions and interview panels with Medical staffing when required.
Identify in advance Locum requirements, checking CV’s and identifying/locating appropriate consultant to review and approve. Follow up to confirm booking.
Ensuring that all locum and agency posts are uploaded onto the relevant IT system, chasing where required for the shifts to be authorised by a senior manager.
Articulating risks to safe delivery of service, in adequate time and in line with the Trust policies.
Maintain confidential record of all Doctors in the business unit including contact numbers and mobile numbers.
Be responsible for ensuring that the Doctors work contracted hours according to Working Time Directive.
In conjunction with medical staffing, be responsible for ensuring a robust Induction Pack for new Doctors within the Division. This includes details of all emergency duty arrangements, half day arrangement, rotas and team structures, teaching dates and programme, Bleep Instructions, Contact of On Call manager, Hospital policies and other items that will ensure a smooth pathway into the plastics business unit.
Be responsible for arranging access to IT systems, bleeps, rotas, contact lists for all new Doctors joining the Business Unit.
To use initiative to cover rota gaps at short notice.
To provide advice and support to Doctors within the Business Unit.
To identify issues relating to Compliance of Working Time Directive and report to appropriate people.
Responsible for implementation of any Trust wide policies that effect Doctors within the Business Unit.
Responsible for investigating, escalating and agreeing Exception Reports submitted by junior doctors.
Management/approval of annual leave requests.
To establish and develop communication pathways with all disciplines for Doctors.
Receiving and communicating complex information about workload of Speciality teams and use own initiative to move Doctors across Specialities to ensure a safe level of cover across the Business Unit.
Maintain knowledge of Doctors working outside of the Trust who can be available to work on a locum basis.
Work independently to identify Doctors who could be appointed to semi-permanent positions and advise/liaise with Medical Staffing and Consultants.
Providing a point of contact for Doctors concerns, performance and support of their colleagues. Use own initiative to identify the information from this to be escalated to Consultants and Educational Supervisors.
Have an excellent working knowledge of European Working Time Directives and be responsible for twice yearly monitoring of this for all grades.
To have strong working relationships with Medical Secretaries, Service Coordinators and Business Manager.
Assist the plastics service coordinators as required in the operational delivery of the plastics service. This could include: