This job is closed to applications

£105,504 - £139,882 pa pro rata
Medical doctor
27 Feb 2025
Contract Type
6 months (Fixed term)
Posted Date
14 Feb 2025

Job overview

Locum Consultant in Neonatal Medicine -  Full Time Post (6 months, fixed term)

Applications are invited for a talented, motivated and dynamic full time Locum Consultant Neonatologist to help deliver high quality tertiary neonatal services.

The St Michael’s Neonatal Unit delivers tertiary NICU care and is the regional centre for neonatal surgery, neurosurgery and cardiac care for South West England. The unit has 15 intensive care cots, 8 high dependency cots, 8 special care cots, and 16 transitional care cots.  In addition, the trust hosts the neonatal transport and retrieval service, SoNAR, based at the nearby South West Retrieval base.  The unit is closely integrated with the regional fetal and maternal medicine departments with an annual inborn delivery rate of approximately 5,000.  In addition, we serve a population of 650,000 deliveries for complex neonatal care (approximately 8% of deliveries in England and Wales).

St Michael’s is adjacent to the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, which provides all tertiary paediatric subspecialties for the region.  Newborn infants requiring paediatric surgery and paediatric medical subspecialty input (such as nephrology, urology, endocrinology, neurology and pre-operative cardiology) are managed jointly between NICU and the specialist teams at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

Main duties of the job

This full-time post has 8.5 DCC and 1.5 SPA.  The appointee will have strong clinical commitment and form part of a team of 14 Neonatal Consultants (10 FTE) working at St Michael’s Hospital. There are excellent facilities for personal development.

The consultant team work blocks of one-week duration (intensive care, postnatal wards, high dependency, neonatal transport, weekend evenings, weekday evenings, clinics and administration, time of in lieu/study leave and annual leave.  During the clinical blocks they are responsible for that specific clinical area (see appendix A). The rota is annualised such that each full time consultant delivers a certain number of each type of these weeks but chooses flexibly when to deliver them (subject to being able to cover the clinical service).

Potential applicants must be on the GMC Specialist Registration with sub-specialist recognition in Neonatal Medicine OR within 6 months of having either CCT/CCST Paediatrics (Neonatal Medicine) OR CESR (Paediatrics) with subspecialty recognition in Neonatal Medicine OR Neonatal Board certification from Northern America, Canada or Australasia OR equivalent (defined as at least 3 years of training in tertiary level NICU) OR can demonstrate 3 years of experience as a Consultant in a UK ‘equivalent’ tertiary level NICU.

Detailed job description and main responsibilities

For a more detailed job description, main responsibilities, and person specification, please refer to the job description document attached to this vacancy.

For further details / informal visits contact:

We would strongly recommend that potential applicants arrange an informal visit before the closing date so they can meet the neonatal team.