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Junior Clinical Fellow
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Full time post at Royal Free, Hampstead site
40 hrs pw
The post requirement is for a junior doctor who has completed the FY training and are either considering a career in Obstetrics and Gynaecology or those considering / awaiting entry into the GP VTS training scheme. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will take part in a 1 in 7 rota. The doctors on this rota are currently at an FY2 or GP VTS ST1-2 level or O&G ST 1-2 level. There is no requirement for overnight oncall.
The successful applicant(s) will participate in clinical activities related to the assessment and management of obstetrics and gynaecology patients (eg. in-patient/ labour ward and theatre cover and out-patient general gynaecology and high risk antenatal clinics) and be involved in emergency work at Specialist Trainee (ST) 1-2 level. This is a very friendly and supportive Tertiary Level Unit dealing with a wide range of interesting conditions.